Tag Archives: St. Patrick’s day

Go Green On St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day is one of my favorite holidays. (Let’s clarify that. I love all holidays, but I really like St. Patty’s day a lot!) Irish spirit is exaggerated here in Chicago with the dyeing of the Chicago river and the endless sea of green clothing marching through the Loop today. I’ve hand my handmade St. Patty’s day wreath on my front door for weeks now and it seems that most Chicagoans have already gone green for St. Patrick’s Day too. As much as I love celebrating holidays, we’re going green in a different way today with these eco-friendly tips for MomMe!

1. Hand me downs are hot – Who needs to buy new clothing or toys when sites like thredUP and Swapmamas are exploding. Check out Spark Box and Toygaroo (think Netflix for toys). Go green by trading, bartering or swapping clothes and toys baby outgrows for new ones!

2. Go glass – With hip slip-proof silicone covers from companies such as BornFree, Dr. Brown’s and Coddlelife, using glass bottles has never been easier. And, no more worries about exposing your little one to BPA. Going glass knocks out two birds with one stone.

3. Nix the paper towels: Bring in a little flair in your kitchen by using dish cloths instead of paper towels. Treat yourself to luxurious, soft towels that you can display on your kitchen counter in place of that paper towel holder. Floursack Towels and Dish Cloths by Now Designs are some of my favorite. They durable, large enough to clean up spills and wash well.

4. No plastic bags: In Santa Monica, where my partner Rachel lives, plastic bags are outlawed! Stores only use paper bags or ask you to supply your own reusable totes to haul your groceries. We already use reusable tote bags and I love them. My favorite is my LL Bean Boat and Tote bag. I use it for everything from weekly grocery store runs to an overnight bag for quick weekend trips. It’s versatile, amazing and has a lifetime warranty from LL Bean!

We hope you have a Happy St. Patty’s day tomorrow and may the luck of the Irish be with you!

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